Forty Years of Storytelling Together: A Retrospective

What? Forty years? How could that be?
It’s official! We’re retiring from school visits after forty years of telling stories together.
January 1, 2021 marks the fortieth anniversary of our meeting at a New Year’s Day brunch. We told our first story together less than three weeks later. We had planned to make the 2020/2021 school year our last, but the pandemic came along and changed everything. It seems unlikely that schools will be having live performances and workshops during the 20/21 school year, so we have decided to retire from school visits and public performances. We will continue to write books and, after the pandemic is over, may appear at bookstores or other venues—with our author hats on. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to be alerted about these or any virtual performances. (If you are not on social media, send us your email address and we’ll send you our occasional newsletter regarding new book publications.
Free Virtual Performances and Author Visits
As a way of saying goodbye and as a token of thanks for all those who supported our work over the years, we have created Free Virtual Performances and Author Visits.A retrospective is coming!
We’ll be going through our files from our forty-year career and plan to post photos and stories on social media and here on our Web site.We’d love to hear from you!
Our retirement is bittersweet. What a fun job we had--looking out at a sea of innocent, uplifted faces with slack-jawed looks of awe never got old. Other aspects of our job did—such as driving on icy roads, packing and unpacking, setting an alarm for the wee hours, etc. If we performed or did residencies at your school or library, please share any memories of our storytelling programs. We promise that we’ll respond.With immense gratitude,
Martha & Mitch